The Finite Element Method is self-explanatory, as the definition of the FEM is hidden in these three words.
- Finite: As we know, every continuous component has millions of Degree of Freedom as it is made up of millions of particles. We generally call the degree of freedom (DOF) of a continuous object is infinite. It is not possible to solve the problem of an infinite degree of freedom(DOF). So, for the sake of simplicity, we reduce the degree of freedom(DOF) from infinite to finite with the help of the discretization process, which is called the meshing (Node and Element).
- Element: In the Finite Element Method, all the calculation activities are done on a limited number of points, which are called Nodes. Node is a specific point, which does not consume any space, it is an infinitesimal. The entity, which joins these nodes point, is called Element. There are many types of element shapes, i.e. Line, triangular, Quadrilateral, Box, Hexahedran, Penta, Tetrahedron. The result variable (i.e. stress etc.) is calculated on these nodes. Then the result variable is interpolated based on these elements based on an interpolated function that depends on the shape of the element.
- Method: As there are 3 Methods to solve any engineering problem: Theoretical, Numerical, and Practical. The Finite Element method uses the Numerical method of Problem Solving.